Submissions are invited for the Symposium of Junior Researchers 2016 of the Royal Economic Society, taking place on Thursday 24 March 2016 at the University of Sussex, Brighton.
We invite submissions of papers from PhD students and early career researchers in any field of economics. The details for submissions are as follows:
Deadline for the submission of papers: 15 January 2016. Submission of papers must be done via the link available on the conference webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/resjunsym/submissions
Notification of acceptance will be by 1 February 2016.
The keynote lecture will be given by Professor Stefan Dercon (University of Oxford).
This event is a one-day conference for junior researchers that will follow the RES annual conference. The main objective of the Symposium is to bring together young economists at different stages of their research and to foster discussion and dissemination in all areas of economics.
In addition to parallel sessions with discussion, there will be time and space for poster presentations.
Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the Symposium will have the chance to win an award for the best paper of £100 and have the opportunity to present her/his paper in a plenary session.
Further information about the conference, including details of financial assistance for PhD students, is available on the conference webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/resjunsym/home
Please do not hesitate to email the local organizing committee at res.junior.symposium@gmail.com if you have any questions relating to the conference.